Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Child Labor

Child Labor in China

The picture to the right shows a small quilt factory in Shaanxi's Qishan county where they were caught using underage workers who were forced to work in 12 hours a day only for food. The legal limit is age 16. Up to 20% of the work force is children.

Child Labor in India

Children under the age of 14 are forced to work in glass-blowing, fireworks, and most commonly, carpet-making factories. While the Government of India reports about 20 million children laborers, other non-governmental organizations estimate the number to be closer to 50 million. The picture to the left is showing kids working in a brick factory.

Child Labor in Bangladesh

One in six children aged 5-14 are engaged in child labor. These kids are constantly sellings goods on the street, cleaning houses, and working in small factories. In this picure it shows some boys working in a factory.