Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Child Labor

Child Labor in China

The picture to the right shows a small quilt factory in Shaanxi's Qishan county where they were caught using underage workers who were forced to work in 12 hours a day only for food. The legal limit is age 16. Up to 20% of the work force is children.

Child Labor in India

Children under the age of 14 are forced to work in glass-blowing, fireworks, and most commonly, carpet-making factories. While the Government of India reports about 20 million children laborers, other non-governmental organizations estimate the number to be closer to 50 million. The picture to the left is showing kids working in a brick factory.

Child Labor in Bangladesh

One in six children aged 5-14 are engaged in child labor. These kids are constantly sellings goods on the street, cleaning houses, and working in small factories. In this picure it shows some boys working in a factory.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Columbian Exchange

From New World to Old World-
·Wild rice

From Old World to New World-
·Sugar cane

The outcome of these two worlds exchanging their goods resulted in the New World having the better deal. Of course the Old World did make a huge deal on the tobacco; but not as huge as the New World making a deal on all of the products they got. Every single product the New World got was most widely known of importance for them. Horses changed the Native Americans ways of hunting and made it much easier, the livestock brought over increased the food supply for the New World, wheat was spread widely throughout the country, creating bread, onion was also a huge food source that the New World depended on, and most of all sugar cane was a huge change in crops for the New World. Sugar cane was grown for sugar and sugar was used in almost every single dish the world made. It was very important to the New World because it was an easy way to make a better dish.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Hope Street Goals

I plan to accomplish my goals at Hope Street Academy. Growing up, I've always loved animals, so I planned to become a veterinarian. To succeed in this career, I must ace Biology and Math and get at least B's in my other subjects. With the help of Hope, I can easily get my credits to go off to college to be a vet.